Unsettled ...

I cannot seem to settle on anything at the moment.

I hate where I live, I hate certain people, I hate how I feel about certain things and I HATE the fact that I can't do anything about it at this time. I am just a hate smurf right now! I really am dealing with a lot of stuff that I find really hard to talk about ... I wish I could just spill it out, even on my blog, but I still feel censored. And I am not even sure why. I think it is a phase I am going through, well I hope it is. I hate that I just cannot seem to get the simple things right.Why can I not keep a relationship, or why is it the wrong people want me? Why? I must have done something REALLY wrong in another life because I am seriously starting to question what it is exactly that I am doing on this planet? I seem to be existing just to exist. I have a degree in the subject I absolutely love, yet I don't want to persue anything with it. I have a great circle of people in my life. I am finally off many different medications ... I am really doing ok. And yet, I am not satisfied.

I have to still blog about Tasmania which I haven't. All I will say is, it involved someone from my past whose effected my future ... and he doesn't even think he did anything wrong. 


Jojo Hua said...

*sigh* I have the exact same problems myself. But the blog is definitely not the place to be putting this information. The whole world can read it here. Sounds like you're going through an enlightening part of your life. When I got out of this phase, I started doing more and thinking less, so don't worry, the best is yet to come :) by the way, my website is at http://www.hello-jojo.com but there was no option to put this in :)

Anonymous said...

*hugs* settling on things is hard. I'm sorry you moved again but I know how you feel, being a pretty indecisive person myself. xP

Some shit's really hard to talk about. I'd prefer if you didn't reply to this on my blog (please!)... well, you know how I had that emotional post about the tutor and the bad presentation I did. Long story short I got busted for it and now I have to be careful about what I write. What kind of teacher stalks students' personal blogs? I didn't even mention the name of the person and you'd have no idea who it is. ffs/

*hugs* Stay cool girl. Love you xx


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